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Create Workflow

Infoveave workflows allow you to automate and streamline your data processes, from data ingestion to visualization. It is a sequence of activities that are chained together to enable the automation of business-critical activities such as data acquisition, analysis, and reporting. 

Steps to Create and Trigger Infoveave Workflow

Access Infoveave Workflow

  1. Access Infoveave Workflow by, navigating to Automation Workflow. All Workflow, created by you or shared with you will be displayed under My Workflow and Shared Workflow respectively.
  2. To create new Workflow, click on New Workflow. It will redirect you to Workflow designer. New Workflow
  3. Provide a meaningful Name and Description in the Setup Panel. These details help to identify and understand the purpose of the workflow.
  4. Configure the Workflow behavior upon completion, by selecting an appropriate option from the On Workflow Completion dropdown menu. This determines what action should be taken after the Workflow finishes executing.
  5. Optionally, enable the Continue if Workflow Fails checkbox to specify whether the Workflow should proceed with the remaining activities even if one or more activities encounter errors or failures.
  6. Define a time limit for the workflow to complete using the Workflow Timeout option. If the Workflow execution exceeds this specified duration, it will be automatically terminated.
  7. Choose whether to send a summary report after the Workflow execution by selecting the Send Workflow Summary checkbox. This report provides an overview of the workflow’s execution details.
  8. Select the appropriate summary report (query report) from the available options in the dropdown menu.
  9. Specify the recipient(s) who should receive the summary report for review and analysis.
  10. Optionally, enable the Send Summary Only on Failure option to receive the summary report only if the Workflow encounters any failures. This helps in monitoring and troubleshooting the Workflow execution effectively.

Workflow Setup

Workflow Start

The Workflow Start functionality enables you to set up triggers for initiating workflows. Infoveave provides four types of Workflows start triggers, each serving different purposes

  • Manual Trigger This trigger allows you to start the workflow manually. It gives users the flexibility to initiate the workflow whenever they deem fit, providing manual control over the process. It allows you to upload files or JSON data that might be required for your workflow activity. 
  • Cron Trigger The Cron Trigger enables you to schedule the workflow to run at specific intervals using cron expressions. This trigger is useful for automating repetitive activities that need to occur at regular intervals, such as daily, weekly, or monthly reports.
  • Webhook Trigger With the Webhook Trigger, workflows can be triggered by HTTP requests sent from external systems. This allows for seamless integration with other applications and systems, enabling workflows to be initiated based on external events or data changes.
  • Email Trigger The Email Trigger initiates the workflow based on incoming emails. You can set up rules to trigger the workflow when specific emails are received, allowing for automated processing of email-based activities or notifications.

Each trigger type in Infoveave offers unique advantages and can be selected based on the specific Workflow requirements and integration needs.

Workflow Triggers

Identify the key activities that play a role in your Workflow and add them to your Workflow designer. These added activities will help you configure the Workflow.

  1. Drag and drop the required activity from the activity panel onto the Workflow designer canvas. Each activity represents a specific action or process that needs to be executed as part of the Workflow.
  2. Select the required activity to view the activity configuration in the Setup panel.The activity selected on the Workflow designer will be highlighted.
  3. To configure the selected activity, select the activity, and navigate to the Configuration tab in the Setup panel.
  4. To add variables in the Workflow, to be called upon any instance, navigate to the Variable tab in the Setup panel.
    • Click on the Add option to create a new variable.
    • Enter a unique, descriptive name for your variable.
    • Choose the variable type as String, Number, Boolean, Date, or JSON from the drop-down option.
    • Set the initial value based on the variable type.
    • With Boolean selected as the variable type, choose the Boolean value as True or False.
    • With Date selected as the variable type, choose the date value from the calendar option.
    • With JSON selected as the variable type, enter an array of JSON.
    • Click on the Save option to save the variables defined
  5. Once the activity is reconfigured, click Validate.
  6. Link all the required activity to complete your Workflow design.
  7. Use the mini map to navigate the Workflow designer canvas.
  8. To add alerts in the Workflow, for email alerts, navigate to the Alerts tab in the Setup panel.
    • Toggle the Enable option to activate or deactivate the alert.
    • Select the email addresses for recipients from the users list. Multiple email addresses can be selected from the list of options.
    • Write a custom alert message that will be sent to the recipients when the alert condition is met.
    • When configuring the execution time alert, toggle the Use Absolute Time switch to decide whether to use absolute time or relative time for the execution duration.
    • Absolute Time Measures the execution time from the start to the end in absolute minutes.
    • Relative Time Measures the execution time based on a specific condition or event.
    • When configuring the data alert, specify conditions for sending alerts related to data inputs and outputs
    • Input Rows Choose whether to send alerts for input rows. Options include Send or Don’t send.
    • Input Files Choose whether to send alerts for input files. Options include Send or Don’t send.
    • Output Rows Choose whether to send alerts for output rows. Options include Send or Don’t send.
    • Output Files Choose whether to send alerts for output files. Options include Send or Don’t send. Workflow Activities
  9. Click on Save to save the configured Workflow.