Downloads mails from Gmail for a specific connection.
Data from gmail
Configuration Fields
- Connection Specifies the connection from which the mail should be downloaded.
- Folder Name Mail folder on Gmail from which the mails are downloaded.
- Subject Regex Pattern specifying the subject of the mails to be downloaded.
- From Received Date The start date from which mails are retrieved.
- To Received Date The end date until which the mails are received.
- Download Attachment Specifies whether to download the attachment in the mails or not.
Sample Input
Not Applicable
Sample Configuration
Sample Output
- MessageId – Unique identifier for the email message.
- ReceivedDate – The date and time when the email was received.
- From – The sender’s email address.
- To – The recipient’s email address.
- Subject – The subject line of the email.
- Body – The main content of the email.
- Attachment – Any files attached to the email (if applicable).
- Links – Any hyperlinks included in the email body.