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Find Text


This activity extracts specific text from the column values using a regex pattern specified by the user.


Data only


Transformed data

Configuration Fields

  • Columns To Find The column from which text should be extracted.
  • Pattern The regex pattern used to extract text.
  • Output Columns Prefix Prefix for new columns created after extraction.
  • Include Original If enabled, includes the columns from the previous activity; otherwise, only the extracted output column is provided as output.

Sample Input

1This contains ABC and XYZ
2Find CODE inside this text
3No pattern matches here
4Extract INFO and DATA points
5SAMPLE test for extraction

Sample Configuration

alt text

Sample Output

1This contains ABC and XYZABCXYZ
2Find CODE inside this textCODE
3No pattern matches here
4Extract INFO and DATA pointsINFODATA
5SAMPLE test for extractionSAMPLE