Jira Issues
This activity performs various operations (get, get all, create, update, delete, query, etc.) on Jira issues via the Jira API.
Configuration Fields
- Site name Name of the Jira site (e.g., your-domain.atlassian.net).
- Operation Type of operation to be performed (e.g., create, create many, update, delete, get, get all).
- Options
- Create
- Create Many
- Update
- Delete
- Get
- Get All
- Options
- Issue key Unique identifier for the issue (e.g., “PROJ-123”).
- Project The project to which the issue belongs(for get all operations)
- Issue type Type of issue (e.g., Bug, Task, Story).
- Summary A brief summary or title of the issue.
- Assignee The user to whom the issue is assigned (e.g., “johndoe”).(For create operation operations)
- Description A detailed description of the issue.(for create and update )
- Parent issue key The key of the parent issue if this is a subtask (e.g., “PROJ-100”).(For create and update operations)
- Priority The priority level of the issue (e.g., “High”, “Medium”, “Low”).(For delete operations)
- Reporter The user who created the issue.(For Create and Update Operations operations)
- Custom field Any custom fields specific to your Jira setup.(For Create, Get all operations)
- Delete subtask Option to delete a subtask.(For delete operations)
- Jql Jira Query Language string for refining the request (dropdown options e.g.,
status = "To Do"
,assignee = currentUser()
).(For Query operations)
Sample Configuration
Sample Output
- Expand
- id
- self
- key
- fields