
Table of Contents

1. Overview

The Sources in the Setup section allows you to seamlessly link and utilize data from existing Infoveave Datasources, SQL queries, or raw data into configuring the widgets.

2. Sources

The Sources feature in the Setup section of the Customization Panel allows you to create Infoboard sources and incorporate data into your widgets. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use the Sources feature:

  1. Select the Sources option and click on + Add New Source.

    • This will allow you to select the Infoboard source for your widgets.
  1. Choose any from the below Infoboard sources options:
    • Datasource
    • Query
    • Raw Data
    • API Source
    • Use Code
Data Source Types
2.1 Start with Existing Datasource

Start with Existing Datasource option allows you to select from existing Datasources that can be used to create Infoboard

  1. To Start with Existing Datasource:
    • Click on Select Datasource.
    • Select the appropriate Datasource from the available list to incorporate the data into your widgets.
    • Click Save to, save the selected Datasource.
Select Datasource
2.2 Use Query

To utilize the Start with Query option and set up an SQL query, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Use Query button to choose the Start with Query option.
      • This will direct you to the SQL query setup.
  2. Provide a name for the query.
    • Assign a meaningful name to the query to facilitate easy identification and management.
  3. Select the Datasource.
    • Choose the appropriate Datasource on which the SQL query should be executed.
  4. Write the SQL query.
    • Write the SQL query that captures the required data.
      • Specify the SELECT statements, conditions, joins, and any necessary clauses.
  5. Run the SQL query.
    • Click the Run icon to execute the SQL query.
    • This will run the query and generate the resulting tables.
  6. Click on Save to save the SQL query.
Infoboard Source Query Source
2.3 Use Raw Data

To create the Infoboard source with Raw Data, follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the option Use Data.
    • This action will direct you to the setup for the raw data source.
  2. Provide a name for the source:
    • Name the source to facilitate easy management.
  3. Paste the raw excel data.
    • Copy the raw Excel data from your source file.
    • Paste the data into the designated area within the setup.
  4. Click on the View Table icon.
    • This action will display the table generated from the pasted raw data.
    • The system will automatically identify the column names as measures and dimensions.
  5. Save the raw data source.
    • Click on the Save button to store the raw data source.
Infoboard Source Raw Data
2.4 Use API

To build a Datasource directly in Infoveave from an API, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Use API button to Start with API source option.
    • This will direct you to the API setup.
  2. Provide a name for the API source.
    • Assign a meaningful name to facilitate easy identification and management.
  3. Select the desired HTTP request method from the dropdown list. Infoveave supports the following request types:
    • GET: Retrieve data from a specified resource. It is commonly used to fetch information from APIs.
    • POST: Send data to a server to create a new resource. It is used to submit data to APIs for creating records.
  4. Enter the required Request URL, which specifies the endpoint of the API you want to interact with (required).
  5. Define the content type as json or form-url-encoded, depending on the requirements of the API (required).
  6. To configure the headers, click on the header column.
  7. For each header, define a name/key and a corresponding value.
    • The name/key typically represents the type of information, like “Authorization” or “Content-Type.”
      • Authorization Header: Often used for authentication, it might include a token or other credentials
      • Content-Type Header: Specifies the format of the data being sent, such as “application/json” for JSON data.
    • The value is the specific data associated with that name/key.
  8. If you need more than one header, simply repeat the process by clicking the + button again.
  9. In case you need to remove a header, click on the delete button associated with each name/key-value entry.
  10. Configure the body of the request, if needed, by specifying the necessary data in json format.
  11. If authentication is required, enter the Auth URL, Auth Request Type, Auth Headers, Client ID, and Client Secret in the corresponding fields.
  12. Click Run icon to run the API with your configuration and view the table in the preview side.
  13. Click Save to save the source.
Infoboard Source API Data
2.5 Use Code

To create the Infoboard source with Code, follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the option Use Code.
    • This action will direct you to the setup for writing your custom JavaScript code.
  2. Provide a name for the source:
    • Name the source to facilitate easy management.
  3. Write custom JavaScript.
    • Write the custom code into the designated area within the setup.
  4. Click on the Preview Table icon.
    • This action will display the table generated from the pasted raw data.
  5. Save the code source.
    • Click on the Save button to store the code source.
Use Code

2.3 Add Calculated Column

A calculated column is a new set of columns added to the original dataset based on the Infoveave functions. The calculated columns make use of the existing data columns across your data table to add new information to your dataset transforming them to generate detailed insights. For example, you can create a calculated column in your data table that gives you the percentage difference between the any two column values in that table. 

2.3.1 Calculated Column Syntax



    • <Reference> is replaced by [Column Name] and <Condition> is replaced by [Column Name] ="Column Value".
    • Function: Functions are like commands that you use in data analysis to perform specific tasks.
    • Column Name is enclosed in square brackets ([]) to represent a measure name.
    • "Column Value" is enclosed within double quotes (" ") to represent a specific dimension value.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to configure expressions in Infoveave Infoboards:
  1. To add a calculated column to any of your Query, Raw Data or API source in Infoveave, navigate to the desired Infoboard under Insights.
    • In the Infoboards section, locate the and access the Infoboard for which you want to configure expressions.
  2. Click on the Setup tab associated with the selected Infoboard under the Customization panel.
  3. Within the Setup panel, click on the Sources option.
  4. Click on add calculated column icon across the required Query, Raw Data or API source.
  1. Click on the option Add Calculated Column.
Calculated Column
  1. Give the calculated column a name.
  2. Select the calculated column type from the list of drop-down options.
  3. Write your calculated column function following the appropriate syntax.
  4. Click on Preview, to view the added column to your data table.
  5. Click on OK to save the added column.
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