  • The function is used to find the maximum (largest) value within the specified column, based on a specified condition defined by the argument.
Applicable to:
Calculated Columns Expressions
Return Value:
  • The return value of the MAXX function is the largest value found within the specified column over the applied condition.
  • MAXX is particularly useful when you need to find the maximum value under specific conditions within your data, allowing you to make conditional calculations based on criteria.


MAXX in Board Expression

Expression A placeholder in a function that is replaced with the actual widget and measure names.
Condition A placeholder in a function that is replaced with the condition filter.
Widget Name The specific name or identifier of the widget being used for data visualization in the specific Infoboard.
Measure Represents the name of the measure that is being displayed or analyzed using the widget.
Dimension Represents the dimension column that is being displayed or analyzed using the widget.
Dimension Value Represents the specific dimension items within the dimension column used for the visualization in the widget.
  • Write the MAXX function. For instance:


  • Where expression equals 'Widget Name'[Measure] and condition equals [Dimension Name]="Dimension Value"
    • Replace Widget Name with the actual name of your widget, Measure with the required measure name, Dimension with the required dimension name and Dimension Value with the dimension value of the selected dimension name.
  • To learn how to configure an Expression in Infoveave, visit the section Configure Expression.

MAXX in Calculated Columns

Expression A placeholder in a function that is replaced with the actual widget and measure names.
Condition A placeholder in a function that is replaced with the condition filter.
Column Name The name of the column in the dataset or Datasource that contains the values you want to analyze.
Filter Condition A filter condition returns the data points that meet the defined condition that you want to analyze. The filter condition can be either a string or a numeric.
  • Write the MAXX function. For instance:


  • Replace <expression> with required [Column Name] and <condition> equals [Column Name]="Filter Condition"
  • Replace Column Name with the actual name of your column and Filter Condition with the required condition to be applied on the columns.
  • To learn how to add calculated columns in Infoveave, visit the section Calculated Columns under Sources.
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