Fixed Filters

Table of Contents

1. Overview

Set specific criteria that remain constant across different analyses to help streamline and focus your data, ensuring a standardized view for more accurate and consistent decision-making.

2. Fixed Filters

Fixed Filters in Infoveave allow you to enhance the filtering capabilities of your widgets by adding dimension filters and measure filters. These filters enable you to refine the displayed data based on specific conditions and values. Here is how you can configure them:

  1. Select the desired widget to which you want to add the fixed filters. 
  2. Select the Setup option in the Configuration panel.

  3. Locate the Fixed Filters section, and click on + Add Filter, which allows you to add dimension filters and measure filters to the widget.

  4. To configure a dimension filter:

    • Select the desired dimension from the available options.
    • Choose the condition that best suits your filtering requirement (e.g., “are,” “are not,” “in,” “not in”).
    • Enter the dimension value that you want to filter by.
  5. To configure a measure filter:

    • Select the desired measure from the available options.
    • Choose the condition that defines how the measure should be compared (e.g., “greater than,” “less than,” “greater than or equal to,” “less than or equal to,” “equals to”).
    • If the value condition is selected:
      • Enter the specific value that the measure should be compared against.
    • If the measure condition is selected:
      • Select the other measure from the available options that the current measure will be compared with.
  6. If you need to add multiple measure filters, you can repeat the above steps to configure additional measure filters. The AND/OR condition option will appear, allowing you to choose whether all the filters should match (AND) or at least one filter should match (OR).

  7. To apply Fixed dates to the widget, select the Fixed Dates checkbox option. It will give you the calendar allowing you to set the widget to a particular date range.
  8. Save the changes to the widget configuration.

Fixed Filters
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