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Recency Check Rule


The Recency check rule typically refers to a process or action of verifying the timeliness or current relevance of information, actions, or updates.

Rule Configuration

The success of Rule Configurations is based on its ability to define a relevant time frame during which data remains significant. It relies on establishing specific conditions (unit) for evaluating metrics over that period. By setting time parameters such as days, weeks, months, or years, it ensures that only the most recent and pertinent information is considered.

  • Recency period The recency period refers to a specific time frame during which information, actions, or events are considered relevant, valid, or significant.

  • Unit Unit establishes the condition that must be satisfied for a given metric, count, or time frame, in relation to the recency period.

    • Days
    • Weeks
    • Months
    • Years

Success Criteria

The success criteria are evaluated based on whether the data falls within the specified recency period and meets the conditions defined by the unit

  • The success condition depends on how the recency period and unit are configured.

  • The success condition is met if this count satisfies the given operator and value.

  • For example, if the Recency check is set to 30 days, only data or actions that occurred within the past 30 days are considered valid for evaluation.

    Configuration Fields

    • Operator Options

      • Greater than
      • Less than
      • Equal to
      • Between (requires specifying a start and end range)
    • Operator Defines the comparison operation (Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To, or Between).

    • Value The threshold value used for success criteria. Required for Greater than, Less than, and Equal to operators.

    • Value Range Required only when the Between operator is selected, specifying the start and end range.

    • Threshold Type Indicates whether the Value or Value Range to be considered as percentage or an absolute count.

    • Allow Null Values Determines if null values are permitted.

Sample Input

IDDateDue Date

Sample Rule Configuration

  • Recency Period 30
  • Unit Days

Sample Success Criteria Configuration

  • Operator Greater than
  • Value 3
  • Threshold Type Absolute Count
  • Allow Null Values False

alt text

Sample Output

Column NameRule NameSuccess CountFailure CountWithin ThresholdNull Count
DateShip Date Recency25No0
Due DateShip Date Recency43Yes0