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Aggregate Data by Time


This activity aggregates data based on a specified time column. The user provides a date column on which the aggregation is performed. The user can specify multiple aggregation columns and types (sum, average, count).


Data only


Transformed data

Configuration Fields

  • Time Column The time-based column used for aggregation.
  • Period The time period for aggregation (year, day, week, month).
  • Aggregations A mapping of column names to aggregation functions.
    • Column Name The column to apply the aggregation.
    • Aggregation Type The type of aggregation (sum, average, count).
  • Include Original If enabled, keeps the input data columns along with the transformed columns.
  • Text Strategy Specifies how to handle text columns in grouped data (first or last value of the group).

Sample Input

Order DateSalesUnits SoldTransactionsProduct Name
2024-01-10500101Product A
2024-01-15700121Product B
2024-02-0530051Product A
2024-02-25900151Product C

Sample Configuration

alt text

Sample Output

MonthTotal SalesAvg Units SoldTransaction CountFirst Product
2024-01-01T00:00:001200112Product A
2024-02-01T00:00:001200102Product A